Thursday, 30 September 2010
However, I do love her jewellery line House of Harlow 1960. I was lucky enough to receive this little gem for my birthday this year from my friends :)
Black Leather Station Necklace. Thanks ladies!
Other pieces on my wishlist include:

Pretty pretty.
For those looking for a perfect example of fashion as art, enjoy:
Futuristic, creepy, awesome, freaky!
Reminds me very much of Chris Cunningham , except obviously much less scary and disturbing!
On to the actual clothes...

What I love about this is that it's not OBVIOUSLY a Spring/Summer collection. It is definitely softer and lighter than his AW collection in terms of colour and structure - that would be a given for SS I guess, but there's not a cliched floral or pastel or skater skirt or garish print in sight. Hurrah! Not a hint of the 70s for once!
The tones of silver, white, grey and black are refreshingly different for Spring (though white does seem to be a key colour) but still typically gothic and dangerous which I love.
Granted, I'm sure this isn't everyone's cup of tea. Even for me it's maybe slightly too futuristic, a little too sci-fi... A label he reportedly hates, though he doesn't exactly do himself many favours printing nylon with actual aluminium!
But at least he's taking risks. It's adventurous, edgy, a bit masculine for spring, but I think he pulls it off. Also, using the Amazonian and androgynous Kristen McMenamy was a bold move since she's such an icon, but her particular look works exquisitely well here.
Long live the Pugh!
Monday, 27 September 2010
Last night I bought these two vintage lovelies from tarantulasisters' Etsy shop:
I've been searching for a sheer black shirt for AGES and you wouldn't believe how difficult it's been to find... Unless you're willing to pay over £50 for a back-ordered American Apparel one which may or may not ever get to you, and I know I'm not!
For £20 this is pretty much my perfect shirt. Score!
Yes, I know, another print! But I love the colour pallette and the fact that it's snakeskin and not leopard print which is everywhere at the moment. I imagine it going really well with my H&M biscuit-coloured denim skirt and the brown DMs. J'adore.
Other shirts/blouses on my TO BUY list du jour include:
Urban Outfitters

Both from Topshop.
Friday, 24 September 2010

This was SO ghetto fabulous! I could have worn any one of those pieces comfortably - in fact I would KILL someone for the C.T.F.O top (chill the fuck out, y'all).
Hey, it's just my opinion. Who thinks I'm talking rubbish? Thoughts?
And now for the first time we know how much the fashion industry is worth to the UK economy. Oh yeah, it's only 21 BILLION POUNDS! The Value of Fashion report released last week is the first of its kind to value the industry as a whole - and it also reveals that it directly employs 816,000 people and is the 15th largest creative industry in the country. Pretty impressive.
Take heed, government folk. How about investing some cash into an industry that's doing well for a change. Maybe in education and business skills at the lowest level, since the report identifies this is a key obstacle to the progression of the industry, among others.
Minister for the Creative Industries, Ed Vaizey said:
“British Fashion has the talent, creativity and skills to rival anywhere in the world. Our new and
established designers and fashion labels are internationally renowned for their unique vision at the cutting edge of this hugely important global industry.
“This new research published today, on the eve of London Fashion week, shows that fashion makes significant contribution to the UK economy and confirms British fashion’s status as one of our most important creative industries. I look forward to continuing to work with the British Fashion Council to make sure that the Government does what it can to further support the industry.”
I'm really, personally, very pleased to see a report like this on the whole big-up the fashion industry. I feel as though I want to defend it to those who would trivialise it and call it shallow. I can't help but feel constantly on the defensive if I ever talk about wanting to write about fashion as I'm almost expecting people (academics?) to sniff at it or patronise it. In the words of Anna Wintour, "I think what I often see is that people are frightened of fashion and that, because it scares them or it makes them feel insecure, they put it down."
Well, not now. £21 billion is pretty hard to sniff at.
Thoughts anyone?
Sunday, 19 September 2010
If you've read the blog before, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that for me Elle is the epitome of a the perfect fashion monthly. To hear Robbie Myers say the words "we need people who know how to report" pretty much makes my life. This masters I've just started teaches reporting and writing, law, government and politics, production and presentation and features writing, and seeing this interview just makes me MORE convinced I've done the right thing by getting the neccessary overall journalistic skills first with a view to eventually moving in this direction.
Plus, is it just me or does Robbie have a beautiful voice? Seriously, it's like honey. I could listen to her talking all day...
Roll on monday morning!
*The video wouldn't embed for some reason? I really need some classes in HTML!
Saturday, 18 September 2010

As I watched the show I jotted down some quick notes - not in shorthand yet, but soon! The main thing that came up over and over was the word "tassels."
Also, like I mentioned before, they've definitely jumped on this 70s vibe that's been around for a while. Though I will never, ever, EVER wear a pair of flared chiffon semi-sheer trousers, there is no denying that on the catwalk they look divine.
I also noticed a lot of lame and liquid metals - by this I mean metallic fabric cut in a light, drapey way so it shimmers and reflects the light. The colour palette was white, black, grey, rose, yellow, orange, red, and brown. I didn't see any blues whatsoever (now I'm second-guessing myself trying to remember if that's true or not...) which is unusual for SS, but refreshing. And it's clear Unique are very much of the mind that the maxi and midi skirt are here to stay.
SO! Overall I was not disappointed, although my previous prediction for space/galaxy/star prints didn't come true - sadface! I really loved last years Unique collection and this one is so totally different, almost opposite to that one. Grown up, floaty, 70s, but also quite mystical and much more fashion-forward. Unfortunately I think the prices will reflect this, if the AW collection is anything to go by. Spare £350 for a bobbled cardigan anyone? No, didn't think so.
Good work Topshop, the only way is up from here on out. More of the brushed-out frizzy hair seen at Marc by Marc which was awesome. Hopefully though, the colours, prints and fabrics will filter down to the main Topshop line so we can all get in on the action, not just those of us on a bigger budget.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
I guess that's why, in a way, I feel free to say exactly what I feel about collections and designers without any pre-programmed fashion ideology about who's better or worse than anyone else. I base my opinions purely on aesthetics, progression and context - not reputation.
I have a point, I promise! What I'm talking about is Fashion Week. I'm very excited to see the SS11 collections at London Fashion Week, in particular PPQ, Topshop Unique, House of Holland, Betty Jackson, Richard Nicoll, Mulberry, Christopher Kane, Holly Fulton, Erdem, Pringle, Burberry and Ashish... and eclectic mix, but I have reasons for them all, trust me!
But, if you've read this blog before, you'll know that Spring Summer collections are not my favourite - I find them the most uninspired out of SS and AW, often safe and occasionally predictable. To illustrate what I mean, here's the Marc by Marc Jacobs show at NY Fashion Week:
I mean, flashes of bright, preppy, primary colours against neutrals and pastels, 50s-style dresses and slouchy tshirts just don't excite me. Of course some individual pieces were beautiful and I did love the mad brushed-out bouffants... but overall I just cannot get excited by this.
But then, on the other hand, Alexander Wang made me think I really need to be more open-minded about SS collections. This is GORGEOUS and edgy:
The middle portion with the sheer, shimmery fabric over the metallic pattern cut in a feminine, yet still somehow quite angular way, reminded me of the Rodarte AW10 collection - but much softer and more tactile. Plus, Abbey Lee's gone ice blonde and it is HOT! Is there no look she doesn't suit?
Anyway, I digress. I'm looking forward to seeing the collections I mentioned with an open mind - just please, no more stripey tshirts and 50s tea dresses!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Fur lined as well. Awesome.