Last night I bought these two vintage lovelies from tarantulasisters' Etsy shop:
I've been searching for a sheer black shirt for AGES and you wouldn't believe how difficult it's been to find... Unless you're willing to pay over £50 for a back-ordered American Apparel one which may or may not ever get to you, and I know I'm not!
For £20 this is pretty much my perfect shirt. Score!
Yes, I know, another print! But I love the colour pallette and the fact that it's snakeskin and not leopard print which is everywhere at the moment. I imagine it going really well with my H&M biscuit-coloured denim skirt and the brown DMs. J'adore.
Other shirts/blouses on my TO BUY list du jour include:
Urban Outfitters

Both from Topshop.
Nice post chum, just thought you should know H&M have a very similar sheer black shirt in at the moment, I've bought it in royal blue but the black is very nice and versatile also ;-)
Over and out! C x
Cheers mate! I have seen the shirt you're referring to, but when I asked the nice assistant in the Buchanan St store last week they said they had sold out of black :( Plus, you know how I just love to buy things online and then anxiously wait for weeks for them to arrive in the post! xx
Amaaziingg shirts, love them both! H&M did an awesome sheer shirt in cream and black almost exactly the same a little while ago :) that snakeskin one is what dreams are made of. I bought a floral one today and popped it on as soon as i got home yays
R x
I’ve been wanting one of these for AGEEES, but everytime I look I can never find any - thought “maybe they’ve gone out of fashion”. Like the burgandy topshop one, might treat myself.
Thanks Robyn, stunning eh? Python-print rules! x
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