Wednesday 16 March 2011


Here, turns out Radley got cool. Who knew?!

Radley you say? No thanks, I'm not a middle-aged mum looking for a rather bland leather purse to house my M&S receipts, but cheers all the same.


WAIT, hear me out! Granted, Radley's not really a brand I knew/cared much about, except that their logo is that wee Scottie dug and they ain't shy about plastering it all over purses, bags, umbrellas, wallets... You name it, the dug's on it.

That was until I spotted THIS badboy. Behold, the studded Grosvenor Satchel:


It's black... It's leather... It's studded... It's a satchel... It MUST be mine.

This bag's still rocking a smart, sophisticated vibe, but without a Scottie dug in sight. Hurrah!

Though I am forever and always a cat lady, here's a wee promotional vid featuring 8 of the mutts, actually looking pretty damn cute if I do say so.

And, just for the ruddy hell of it, here's a wee full length photato of me from earlier today. Bad case of randomitus today...

Well helloooo rubber puss...

1 comment:

♥Music Fashion Clutter ♥ said...

Ha ha.. you never fail to make me laugh, The bloody dug eh... ha ha well put!

The bag is nice eh ? and does tick all the boxes

P.s im also a cat lady!

Love the rando shot!
Joanne xx

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