Hopefully! Got to have that headband though. Just GOT to. Also, just purchased this:

Think I'm going to have to admit it... I love animal print!!
Aaaaand, just found out that Plan B is playing in Glasgow on Sat night. Unfortunately it's sold out but I'm going to see if I can get in with my press pass from the NUJ and then it means I can write a review of the gig as well. Killing two birds and all that.
LOVE the jumper it is amazing. Best thing to do with the gig is go on his myspace, find out what label and/or PR he is with and email them and ask cause if your not on the list usually they dont let you in unless you have mad blagging skills in which case super jealous. Hope thats helpful? :)
R x
it's pretty hot eh love? Thanks for the advice - done that already but not heard back. Hopefully wil do before sat but I have a pair lined up to buy in case I don't hear from them.
ahh cool, yeh i guessed as much but thought i would try to be helpful :)
good planning! do you write as well then?
R x
Yeah, just started a Masters in multimedia journalism so I'm doing all kinds of stuff - broadcast, radio, print etc. At the moment it's very local-news based. Still learning about it all, quite daunting! I see you've had loads of stuff published - well done lovely! xx
Ahh thats amazing - thats exactly the sort of thing I need to do once I have (finally) finished with my degree! Very jealous :) Eeek yeh I've fallen into most of it, which is pretty lucky. Big dreams, so got to start somewhere, really hope the weekend goes well for you, keep me posted!
R x
Yeah defo, I arsed around for a while not really brave enough to make the decision, but I'm so glad I eventually did. I can totally recommend this course as well, its NCTJ accredited which is prety much essential for getting a job. Plus, Glasgow rocks! xx
Oh wow that hairband is amazing!
And the jumper is so cool!
I love these items! The dress is beautiful...
New follower! I love your blog
everything here is wonderful i love the shoes best! xx
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