Got my 50wpm shorthand test tomorrow and lots of hand ins this week and next HOWEVER I must blog about this before descend into shorthand hell!
I'm not sure if I've mentioned before but I am a HUGE Christopher Kane fan. I've defo featured him on the blog somewhere I'm sure... Anyway I absolutely ADORE space/galaxy prints (I know I've said that before y'all) and as such was just about overcome with excitement at Kane's SS 2011 womenswear collection. I had planned on doing a post about it but the lovely Claire from Bee waits for no one beat me to it!
BUUUUUUT, this morning I wake up to discover Kane is going all out on a capsule menswear collection for SS11... DROOLNOMDROOOOOOL!

Pics from ELIXE (click on it to enlarge - pics are so freakin small on here grrr!)
Kane on his new menswear collection:
"I decided to launch menswear so I could wear my own designs, my friends were
forever asking me to do t-shirts off the back of the womenswear show themes, so my first shot at it was with the monkey tees;they were so popular I decided to keep it going.
So each season we sell men's tees alongside the mainline collection.
I find it difficult to find staples that I love, so I guess I am launching this so I can have a decent wardrobe!
The inspirations differ every time, but usually taking the lead from the womenswear."
My favs are the cardigan, the bottom left tee and bottom right sleeveless hoodie. Oh, and the leather shorts, OBV! I don't know what it is, but there is just something so mystical and engaging about prints of space. Sometimes I actually go onto and spend ages just trawling the gallery... I'm THAT cool.
Ahem! Anyhoo, I recently bought a galaxy-printed vest from Your Eyes Lie and while I like it, I think I'd really prefer a tshirt rather than a vest. Plus, if I'm honest, the fit is a little weird... (Too much side-boob action.)
I really like Your Eyes Lie's range of digital-print mens t-shirts which rip off... I mean PAY HOMAGE TO Kane:

Eagle Print T. Reminds me of the screaming Gorilla dress from 2008 and the Croc-print tees he did for Toppers. This could actually be his.
I really need to start paying more attention to menswear.
Right, off to do shorthand. GREAT!!
I think I may actually like it more than the women's wear....x
Good luck with the shorthand! It's been aaaages since I've done it, not really done any since my 80wpm exam!
Wow his t-shirts are amazing, love the eagle one best! Good luck with yoru shorthand and enjoy your snow day! x
Claire, that's exactly what I was thinking! Mad how excited I am by this print any time I see it anywhere... Thanks Douglas and Kate - I need all the help I can get, seriously. xx
I want that at home! No matter it's for men... :)
Ditto on the first commenter, I think I like the menswear more than the womens. A men's cardigan would really bit the spot, especially in this chilly weather...
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