Thursday, 3 January 2013


Well hi there, and a happy new year to you, my lovely readers!

I've been a bit AWOL the last few weeks, haven't I? While other (more ORGANISED) bloggers were furiously bashing out glossy gift guides and seasonal party-wear posts in their thousands, I was buried deep, DEEP in a festive food-and-booze-induced coma that I'm only NOW dragging myself out of like a grumpy muthabear after hibernation. YAWWWWWWN!

In case anyone is interested, my Christmas was simultaneously both quiet AND boozy, spent at my aunts pulling crackers, eating FAR too many pigs-in-blankets and quaffing copious amounts of expensive gin. HICCUP. New Year was much less quiet and MUCH more boozy, spent at a house party in Clydebank playing drinking games till I eventually passed out. Thumbs up all round really!

HOWEVER, as you may have guessed from this title, I am starting 2013 with a NEW JOB. As a Communications Executive for big fat company no less! Cue lots of excitement and more than a BIT of trepidation as it slowly dawns on me that not only will I have to act the part on a daily basis, I'll have to LOOK IT as well...

Where I work just now the dress code is super casual, meaning that virtually anything goes. Naturally I opt for comfort and practicality on a daily basis which doesn't tend to differ vastly from my out-of-hours style, except I maybe tone down my inner goff slightly (but I'm definitely becoming a lazy dresser in my old age). At this new place though, as far as I could tell from my interviews anyway, the dress code is SMART. Which is fine, and is probably the NORM, except I've never had to dress like a grown up smart before, and to be perfectly honest it's WAY outside my comfort zone.

But I'm nothing if not up for a challenge so today I had a wee browse round some online shops in preparation for a day of SMART CLAITHES SHOPPING on Saturday. Here's what I liked...


Cos turned out to be my favourite stop for minimal dresses. These are just a selection but to be honest I'd happily wear any of the ones featured on the website. That top left velvet number might be a bit much for work but I LOVE it, and same with the mustardy marl-knit jumper dress... Honestly, it's so difficult to find a quality jumper dress that has a waistband! As bottom-heavy gal (REPPIN THE PEARS) it's a VITAL component as anything without one looks sack-like and shapeless, gaping unattractively at my middle and clinging to my bum. Which doesn't exactly scream PROFESHUNAL, does it?


I was also pleasantly surprised by the NW3 range at Hobbs, especially for prints. Click to enlarge, but yeah, those ARE ducks on that red dress, AND WHAT?! I'm a fan of a ZANEY print at the best of times and nothing says, "hey, I'm a fun-loving, wacky communications exec" like a crazy-but-classy duck print, right? RIGHT?!


Ted Baker also surprised me in all-round goodness, especially that velvet blazer and 60s black and white dress, and my mind's definitely been changed about the brand after that quick swatch online. I'm not sure what I expected if I'm honest, maybe something a little bit naff? I've been in to the Ted Baker store in Prince's Square twice in my puff, (once to hurry through to the mall out of the rain and once to help shop for a friends boyfriend) so I am about as unfamiliar with their style as it's possible to be, but I'll be sure not to overlook them again.


Probably not a huge shock for most, but I found Whistles best for the slightly more casual end of the work-wear spectrum. I have a couple of silk t-shirts and tunics from Zara which remind me of the type of thing on offer at Whistles and it's a classic look that can't help but be smart and chic without really trying. And let's face it, anything that requires minimal effort is a winner with me!

I've not included places like Zara or Next or wherever else because I'm just ASSUMING (rightly or wrongly?) that they'll be obvious places to hit for smart staples, plus I wanted to push myself to have a look at shops I wouldn't normally. But yeah, can you tell I'm massively out of my element here? I'm sure once I start trying things on I'll get the hang of things I like and don't like, and it is a WEE bit exciting, contemplating a whole new weekday wardrobe - sort of like playing dress up. I just hope I manage to strike the balance between matronly and tacky... It's an issue.

Finally, in the spirit of getting ones SHIZ together, I have to add a picture of  this wee GEM I've just placed an order for...
This, folks, is Moleskine's limited edition Le Petit Prince 2013 daily diary and it's a BEAUT! The eagle-eyed among you may notice the significance given the name of this here blog... Swoon!

Yeah, so that's that.

I'm not sure what this change will mean for Forty Four Sunsets. *sadface*  I tend to do a lot of blogging on my lunch breaks here, but I've a feeling that kind of thing won't be possible at the new place and I've already got list upon list of things to do with my new-found EVENINGS and WEEKENDS (no more mental shifts for me - hurrah!) including joining a gym - DO NOT LAUGH - and possibly doing a part-time night course at college or something, maybe in creative writing? Or maybe something bonkers like basket weaving - just because I can! Plus, yi know, generally having a life again. So it could be difficult to fit in posts for a while, at least until I find my feet. 

But stick with me, I promise I won't abandon FFS! I mean, where else will I get to indulge in my love for CAPS LOCK AND RAMBLING AND RANTING ON FOR FAR TOO BLOODY LONG FOR NO REASON TO VIRTUALLY NO ONE AT ALL and linking obscure YouTube clips and weird Google images furtively into text that may or may not have anything to do with the point I'm making etc...?

I've been at this too long, can you tell? Time to wrap it up. Hope you all had a BONZER festive season and let's all make 2013 OUR YEAR, yeah? Yeah. Cool.


Rose Keats said...

Congrats on the job! Love everything you've picked clothing wise - though the duck print definitely wins. NEED everything you've picked out from Ted Baker, which I used to think was a totally pointless store but I rediscovered it over the summer so I think it must be a recent revamp :L now to find a job where I can wear all these pretty outfits...

Kirsty said...

Thanks lovely! I know, definitely pleasantly surprised by Ted Baker - who knew! Xx

beewaits said...

CONGRATS. Will need to know where the new fancy ass job is but mostly - all the congrats to you lady face. That's great. Smart? Well cos every day could be worse. SWOON x

BeautyH2T said...

Hugeeeee congrats! That sounds like a major fab job- want to hear all about it;) can't wait to see the whole new work wardrobe! Xxx

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